Some Pega Platform applications have auto-generated rules. These rules are created at runtime during the normal use of a production system.
Note: Auto-generated rules are not present in the upgraded rule base from the time of the initial rule migration and must be migrated manually.
There is a built-in utility to export the auto-generated rules created after a certain time period. Use the utility, located in the coreBuildDistributionImage/scripts/utils directory, to perform the export.
To run the utility, do the following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<Database dbname="PegaRULES">
<Class name="Rule-Obj-Property" column="PXUPDATEDATETIME"/>
<Class name="Rule-Obj-When" column="PXUPDATEDATETIME"/>
<Class name="Rule-Obj-FlowAction" column="PXUPDATEDATETIME"/>
Class name
represents either:PXUPDATEDATETIME
represents the exposed column, which could be used to match the time stamp in the property in the file that is set in step 3.C:\coreBuildDistributionImage\scripts\utils>prpcUtils.bat export